The drama has been huge at our house this last week. About two and a half months ago Audrey was hospitalized for 4 days due to some issues with seizures and a major break out of hives because of nasty viral infection. Well Sunday morning I went to change her diaper and right there in front of me was some nasty looking welts. All I could think of was, IT'S BACK!!!
Well we took her to Urgent Care Sunday morning, (poor Jeremy, what a sucky Father's Day) and she had a nasty viral infection in the back of her throat. Because of the issues that we dealt with 2 months ago he wanted her back in the doctor's office the next day to monitor the hives.
The next day we took her in and the the hives had worsened. On top of that she had developed a nasty ear infection too. Well thank God for Dr. Reed. She was all over it. She gave Audrey steroids which got rid of the hives completely by the next morning. (Praise the Lord!!)
On top of Audrey being sick Ally was throwing up over the weekend and had some pretty severe diarrhea. No fun.
Anyway, last Saturday we had some fun celebrating our sister-in-laws birthday and Jeremy's aunt's birthday. We went to a mexican restaurant in Escondido and we all had some fun.
The Birthday Girls!!
The Kids.

Ally Girl!!
We had the privilege of having my sister come up and spend a couple of days with us!! It was so nice to have her help and the girls adore her. I desperately needed some help with two kids that were on the mend.

Audrey & Auntie Traci

We built a castle with paper towels. I have never seen Audrey get so excited!! She kept saying I DID IT every time she got another paper towel roll to stay on top of the last one. It was loads of fun!!
Hope all is well with everyone. This is quite a big post but a lot has gone on since my last one.